Ziel der Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V. ist es, im In- und Ausland die Erinnerung an den Widerstand der Weißen Rose wach zu halten sowie Toleranz und demokratisches Bewusstsein zu stärken.
Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V.

Friends and Patrons

Would you like to support the work and objectives of the White Rose Foundation? Please join the Circle of Friends, Patrons, and Donors.

With a yearly contribution of 65 EUR (Students: 35 EUR) or more you will noticeably help support our memorial activities. Proposals, initiatives and volunteer work are very appreciated as well. For more information you can contact us at: info(at)weisse-rose-stiftung.de. You will receive the quarterly newsletter as well as our detailed yearly activity report and invitations to our events regularly.

Membership application form
